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Bursaries Now Available – WA Alcohol and Other Drug Conference 2025

Bursaries Now Available - WA Alcohol and Other Drug Conference 2025

More consumers and regional non-government alcohol and other drug sector workers will now be able to attend, with bursary applications extended thanks to Lotterywest.

Bursaries are available for:
  • Metropolitan consumers (including family and significant others) – this bursary provides three-day conference registration for consumers living in metropolitan Perth.

  • Non-metropolitan consumers (including family and significant others) – this bursary provides three-day conference registration, full cost of travel, and up to three nights’ accommodation for consumers (including family members and significant others) living in regional, rural, and remote areas of Western Australia.

  • Regional, rural, and remote non-government AOD sector workers – this bursary provides a contribution toward travel and accommodation only and is for non-government alcohol and other drug sector workers living in regional, rural, and remote areas of Western Australia.

Bursaries are only available for full three-day registration. It is expected that bursary recipients will attend the full three-day conference unless travel arrangements or an emergency prevent them from doing so.

Applications should be submitted as soon as possible, with funds allocated on a first in, first served basis. WANADA will arrange conference registration when bursary applications have been approved.

Applicants working in the alcohol and other drug sector, including volunteers, must have line manager approval before applying.

✅ Please be sure to select the correct bursary form and complete all required fields before submitting.

📄 For full eligibility details and to apply, please access the Bursary Application Form.

🔗Secure your spot and register: Register | WANADA