Harm Reduction Australia: 2024 National AOD Data Report
This report provides a comprehensive overview of the key national data sources on alcohol & other drugs (AOD) and harm reduction in 2024.
UNSW: Public Drug Warning Research Report
The purpose of this report is to outline emerging evidence on developing and issuing drug warnings to inform the practices of organisations that issue them across Australia.
Alcohol and Drug Foundation: Supporting People With an Intellectual Disability Who Use Alcohol and Other Drugs
This guide was developed in partnership between the Black Dog Institute and the Mental Health Commission.
Black Dog Insititute – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Lived Experience-led Peer Workforce Guide
This guide was developed in partnership between the Black Dog Institute and the Mental Health Commission.
Filter Mag – Harm Reduction Journalism
European Harm Reduction Network – Drug Consumption Rooms Around the World
Hepatitis C in Australia: Prevalence Data Sheet
Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Care Capability in Alcohol and other Drug Treatment Tool
An interactive tool designed to assist specialist alcohol and other drug (AOD) organisations review their service capability to identify and provide care to people with HCV or at risk of HCV.
QNADA – Alcohol and ADHD Medication – Fact Sheet
A harm reduction resource for people who drink alcohol
National Organisation for FASD – AOD Resource Hub
NOFASD, in conjunction with the Foundation for Alcohol Research (FARE) and as part of the Every Moment Matters campaign, has created printable resources for AOD Sector workers.
Australian Needle and Syringe Program Survey (ANSPS)
The National Centre for Clinical Research on Emerging Drugs (NCCRED)
Grant applications up to $200,000 being offered for community safety projects
Up to $4 million seized from criminals in Western Australia is being offered to not-for-profit community groups and local governments to fund crime prevention and community safety projects.