Alcohol and other Drug (AOD) Certification Readiness
Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services and Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) will develop or enhance their Alcohol and other Drug Practice Plans in response to the needs of their local communities as part of the AOD Certification Readiness Project.
Certification Support Coaches will work with services to prepare them for certification against the Alcohol and other Drug and Human Services Standard (the Standard) – a quality management system standard that is registered with the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ).
The project is the result of a partnership between WANADA and the Aboriginal Health Council of WA (AHCWA) and is supported by the WA Primary Health Alliance.
Participating Organisations
The participating organisations are:
- Yura Yungi Medical Service, Halls Creek
- Broome Regional Aboriginal Medical Service, Broome
- Ngaanyatjarra Health Service, Central Desert
- Moorditj Koort Aboriginal Corporation, Northam and Perth Metro (Medina, Cockburn and Midland)
- Derby Aboriginal Health Service, Derby
- Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services, Kimberley (Broome, Balgo, Beagle Bay, Bidyadanga, and Billiluna and Mulan)
- Geraldton Regional Aboriginal Medical Service, Midwest – including the Murchison and Gascoyne regions
- Mawarnkarra Health Service, Roebourne
- Yorgum Healing Services, Perth
Project Team
Rochelle McIntosh
Sector Projects & Engagement Manager, WANADA
Rebecca Peagno
AOD Accreditation Support Officer, AHCWA
Margaret Robson
Tabetha McCallum
Phyllis (Gail) McKay
Learn More
For more information, please contact Sector Projects & Engagement Manager, WANADA Rochelle McIntosh on (08) 6557 9400 or via [email protected].