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Hepatitis C Care Capability Project

A gold logo with an orange tint features the tagline ‘Together, we can eliminate Hepatitis C by 2030!’ On the right side, the text reads ‘HCV Care Capability in Alcohol and other Drug Treatment Tool.’ Below, there is a swirling graphic with the phrase ‘Person-centred care’ and another graphic with a cog in the center labeled ‘Quality Framework.

WANADA's Hepatitis C Treatment Project

WANADA is working with Peer Based Harm Reduction WA and alcohol and other drug services throughout Western Australia to increase hepatitis C virus (HCV) care capability.

WANADA’s HCV Care Capability Project facilitates further upskilling of alcohol and other drug workers on HCV, while supporting the alcohol and other drug service sector to apply the HCV Care Capability in Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Tool (HCVCAT).

The HCVCAT is a concise, easy to use tool to assist alcohol and other drug services to review their service capability for HCV care. This includes provision of information and education, screening for risk, and providing or referring to testing, treatment, and ongoing support.

Building on the success of work with participating organisations, WANADA is extending the project to organisations throughout Western Australia.

Despite highly effective treatment being available through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme since 2016, many people living with HCV remain untreated, as highlighted by the Burnet Institute. This places them at risk of liver disease, cancer, and premature death.

Specialist alcohol and other drug services are uniquely placed to engage people with lived and living experience of injecting drug use, to access peer networks, and reduce barriers to treatment to ensure equitable access for people who are most at risk.

WANADA believes that enhancing HCV care capability within the alcohol and other drug sector will pave the way for subsequent consideration of Hepatitis C by related sectors, such as homelessness services.

WANADA’s Hepatitis C Treatment Project is overseen by Sector Projects and Engagement Manager Rochelle McIntosh, with Consultant Tabetha McCallum engaging with services.

The project is funded by the WA Department of Health.




WANADA’s hepatitis C virus (HCV) project was funded for the initial phase by The Paul Ramsay Foundation, as part of the Eliminate Hepatitis C Australia Partnership co-ordinated by the Burnet Institute.

More Information

For more information, please contact WANADA on (08) 6557 9400 or via [email protected].